An NAS member sent me this video for fundraising at Princeton, describing the work of the university's office of sustainability. There are a few things in this video to be concerned about. The effort to “induce a culture change,” to “incorporate those principles into our daily decisions,” is all part of the steady movement to guide people into a particular, “correct” way of thinking and acting. The removal of trays from dining halls is a perfect example of this. It’s a relatively small change, but it’s a daily reinforcement of new habits. I wrote about this in “Tray Chic.” And the young woman with the title “sustainability fellow” is one of the new generation of activists that self-reproduces. Activist administrators recruit students to get involved on campus and hire them once they graduate so they will become activist administrators. The recycling process thus applies to people, not just plastic.
- Article
- November 12, 2010