June 25, 2020

Press Release: The National Endowment for the Humanities Awards CARES Act Grant to NAS

National Association of Scholars

The grant, part of the $40.3 million allocated to the NEH as part of the CARES Act, will enable NAS to survey four of the most popular history books used to teach America’s children and create a......

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July 7, 2020

Article: Curing Higher Ed in the Wake of COVID-19

Adam Ellwanger

The current model of higher education is utterly dysfunctional. COVID-19 has given us an unprecedented opportunity to make it work again.

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July 2, 2020

Academic Questions: Goat-Killing in the Humanities

Stanley K. Ridgley

"Business history is too important to be left to the historians," argues Ridgley in his review of "Nothing Succeeds like Failure: The Sad History of American Business Schools" by Steve......

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July 2, 2020

Academic Questions: “Racist and Proud”: The Awful Legacy of Ta-Nehisi Coates

Mark Zunac

Ta-Nehisi Coates received a MacArthur Fellowship for “[i]nterpreting complex and challenging issues around race and racism through . . . nuanced historical analysis.” But nuance......

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May 11, 2020

Article: Engineers and K-12

Harry J. Levinson

The declining number of American-born scientists and engineers begins with a failure in primary and secondary school STEM education.

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April 19, 2020

Article: No More Merit

Christopher Kendall

Fred Hess proposes that higher education switch all admissions processes to a random lottery. While the idea is unique, it is likely to create more problems than it solves.

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March 9, 2020

Article: On Faculty Union Bans

Peter Wood

South Dakota has just become the fourth state to ban faculty unions at public universities, joining Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

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January 2, 2020

Academic Questions: College Admissions Ride the Equality Roundabout

John Staddon

America’s institutions of higher education face an intractable problem: excellence and equality—the two principles college admissions offices are ostensibly committed to—are mutually......

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November 6, 2019

Article: The Results Are In: Common Core is An All-Around Failure

David Randall

The National Assessment of Educational Progress has seen a steady decline in performance by students educated with Common Core standards. NAS Director of Research David Randall provides context for th......

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