OAS Releases Statement on Proposed "Cultural Competency" Training

Glenn Ricketts

The Oregon Association of Scholars yesterday released this critique of a bill currently under consideration by the state legislature that would impose mandatory training in “cultural competence” for all faculty members in Oregon’s public colleges and universities:


OAS president Dr. Bruce Gilley, a political science professor at Portland State University, characterized House Bill 2864 as” the latest evidence of the deeply illiberal turn in public education in Oregon.” He noted that HB 2864, if enacted, would pose a serious threat to academic freedom, intellectual inquiry, and freedom of speech.  In addition, the proposed measure would impose heavy new administrative costs and drive up student tuitions.  So far, proposed amendments to safeguard free speech and control new costs have been rejected.

Kudos to Professor Gilley and the OAS for their resolute defense of genuine liberal education and academic freedom.  Hopefully Oregon’s taxpayers will also see what’s at stake in this ominous proposal.

Image:  Pixabay

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