
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 8, 2009

Winter's Not So Happy Without Holidays

Ashley Thorne

From the student newspaper of the University of Massachusetts is an article by Thomas Moore (the student, not the Utopian) about the new policy for U Mass RAs: Don't call it the "holiday season"......

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December 8, 2009

Iranian Students: Beaten, Bloody, But Unbowed

Candace de Russy

AOL provides vivid and heartrending coverage of this week's vicious government suppression of the protest of tens of thousands of courageous students. We can but applaud and echo the f......

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December 8, 2009

Supreme Court to Decide Christian Legal Society v. Martinez

Ashley Thorne

The case aims to settle a longstanding controversy: whether a religious student group, recognized or funded by a public university, has the right to specify that its members must share the group&rsq......

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December 7, 2009

Collegiality or Harrassment? Two Sides of the PC Coin

Mitchell Langbert

At a northeastern college the chair of a department also chaired  a tenure and promotion committee that made a negative decision on an  untenured associate professor.  The associate pro......

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December 7, 2009


Candace de Russy

Fast facts about Climategate, from Charlie Martin.

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