Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels

Rachelle Peterson

The campaign to get colleges to sell off their investments in coal, oil, and natural gas companies is an attack on intellectual freedom, democratic self-government, and responsible stewardship of natural resources. The fossil fuel divestment campaign projects itself as an organic, student-led movement for “climate justice.” But it is a nationally orchestrated campaign meant to turn the university endowment into a billboard for virtue signaling.

The fossil fuel divestment movement, now on more than 1,000 American college campuses, aims at capturing a generation of college students as lifelong climate activists. This report is the first comprehensive account of how that is happening. 

Download the report (PDF): Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels

See also:

Press release

Two-page media packet


Untitled photo by James Ennis, CC BY, edited

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