
View all statements and comments made by the National Association of Scholars on higher education policies.

October 24, 2022

NAS Statement on Stanford University's Belated Apology to Jewish Applicants

National Association of Scholars

The National Association of Scholars calls on Stanford and all its peers to apologize for the discriminations they are committing now. Apologies delayed a lifetime are mockeries of true remorse.

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October 20, 2022

NAS Statement on Nomination of Ben Sasse for University of Florida President

National Association of Scholars

We believe that Senator Sasse would make an excellent president of the University of Florida, and we urge the Board of Trustees to follow the search committee’s recommendation.

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October 14, 2022

Colorado Board of Education Considers an Amendment to Adopt Standards Based on "American Birthright"

National Association of Scholars

The National Association of Scholars is delighted that Colorado’s State Board of Education considered an amendment to adopt civics standards based on "American Birthright."

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August 26, 2022

Unjustly Enriched Colleges, Unjustly Impoverished Americans

National Association of Scholars

The Biden administration's student debt forgiveness plan signals to schools that their obscene tuition hikes can continue with impunity.

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August 18, 2022

Biden Student Loan Proposal Ignores the Root Problems of the Debt Crisis

National Association of Scholars

Instead of addressing the root problems of the student debt crisis, the Biden administration continues to add fuel to the fire.

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