March 29, 2010
MTC: What Future for English Lit?
Mark Bauerlein
Many critical observers of humanities education believe that various left-leaning trends such as multiculturalism and cultural relativism become stronger the higher you rise on the education ladder.......
February 4, 2010
MTC: Identity Politics Beyond Reason
Mark Bauerlein
The headline in the East Bay Express a few weeks back probably didn't surprise people in California, bracing as they have been for funding shortfalls in government services, including education: "Berk......
November 10, 2009
MTC: Princeton's Victory Over Grade Inflation
Russell K. Nieli
Grade inflation is one of those realities of the post-60s academic world that most college teachers bemoan but feel powerless to do anything about. It is virtually impossible for any single faculty m......
November 10, 2009
MTC: The Modern Academic Cauldron
Robert Paquette
In the 1950s, Hamilton College, where I now teach, had no marketing arm to speak of, but the New York Times provided a good deal of favorable coverage. A few years ago I stumbled upon one such item......
September 15, 2009
MTC: Community Colleges Are Bulging, But...
Charlotte Allen
Cuyahoga Community College expects to see nearly 30,000 students enrolled for credit on its three campuses in Cleveland when it opens for the fall semester late in August, with an additional 30,000 ta......
October 8, 2009
MTC: The Cost of Raising Boys Like Girls
Charlotte Allen
Total enrollment in colleges and universities is expected to rise to 20.6 million by the fall of 2018, according to a new projection from the U.S. Education Department's National Center for Education......
October 5, 2009
MTC: A SHORT Guide to College Guides
John Leo
Does it matter which college guide a high-school student consults? Yes indeed. They all differ in poundage, cost and frankness. To illustrate the various approaches, and the various levels of candor,......