
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 7, 2007

Little Delawares All Over :Diversity Indoctrination, K-12 Branch

Hans Bader, a lawyer with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, writes that the Delaware Indoctrination Syndrome has a k-12 counterpart. A common thread is the presence of what Elizabeth Lasch-Quinn......

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December 7, 2007

Little Delawares All Over: Diversity Indoctrination, K-12 Branch

Hans Bader, a lawyer with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, writes that the Delaware Indoctrination Syndrome has a k-12 counterpart. A common thread is the presence of what Elizabeth Lasch-Quinn......

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December 4, 2007

How Many Delawares?

The National Association of Scholars announces an inquiry into residence hall and student life policies that violate intellectual freedom and promote a partisan political agenda.

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December 4, 2007

Media Opacity

A response to Media Transparency's characterization of NAS.

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December 4, 2007

1. Infestation: Widespread or Not?

The recent nationwide media exposure of the diversity facilitation training program of residence assistants at the University of Delaware demonstrates what a couple of professors -- in this case, pr......

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