
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 15, 2010

The Life and Thought of Andrei Sakharov

Jamie Glazov

FrontPage Magazine interviews NAS board member and history professor Jay Bergman on his new book, Meeting the Demands of Reason.

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October 15, 2010

Social Justice and Censorship

Glenn Ricketts

On the release of a new FIRE video, NAS recalls our victory for freedom of conscience with an accrediting body and its biased "dispositions" requirements.

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October 14, 2010

A College Course on What Fictional Characters Wore?

Ashley Thorne

I just read an article in the University Daily Kansan linked in Glenn's Collegiate Press Roundup this week. The article, "Women, Take Back Halloween" is written by a male student whose character......

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October 14, 2010

A Canadian Columnist Sees Through the College Hype

George Leef

David Warren writes for The Ottawa Citizen and has a firm grasp on the reality of higher education. Consider this column published Oct. 12. Is higher education a great, crucial investment in human c......

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October 14, 2010

"It Messes Up My Fishing Time": Why American High School Teachers Don't Assign Research Papers

Peter Wood

NAS brings to light a long-suppressed research report on how American high school teachers avoid assigning research papers.

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