
See all upcoming and past events hosted by the the National Association of Scholars.

April 18, 2013

Videos from A Mighty Maze, Session 2

Crystal Plum

Videos of the Peter Shaw Memorial Award and Session 2 panel speakers at the NAS 2013 conference: The Battle over Racial Prefrences.

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April 18, 2013

Videos from A Mighty Maze, Session 1

Crystal Plum

Videos of introduction and Session 1 panel speakers at the NAS 2013 conference: The Illiberal Arts: Politicization and Academic Decline. 

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April 18, 2013

Upcoming Higher Education Events

Crystal Plum

Engage with NAS members and friends on issues in higher education at upcoming events this month.

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April 15, 2013

A Critical Reexamination of Social Justice

Ashley Thorne

A national meeting of the Philadelphia Society considered the meaning of "social justice" and how it is different from regular justice.

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April 12, 2013

Social Justice and the Curriculum: American Higher Education Dives In

Peter Wood

Peter Wood speaks at the Philadelphia Society Conference, “With Liberty and Justice for All: A Critical Reexamination of Social Justice.”

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