Should You Pay for College or Fund Your Retirement?

Neetu Arnold joins the "Your Life and Wealth" podcast to discuss the skyrocketing cost of college.

National Association of Scholars

When it comes to your kids, is it smarter to pay for college or fund your retirement? The cost of higher education continues to rise at a staggering rate.  It places college out of reach for some families and may cause parents to take on an inordinate amount of debt. Recent statistics show that a large percentage of parents contemplating retirement are delaying those plans in order to pay the college tuition or debt of their children. Today, CFN’s John Walker and Dennis Jablonoski welcome Neetu Arnold, a researcher at the National Association of Scholars who’s authored a study looking into how much we’re paying for college and where all that money goes. The choice to pay for college or fund your retirement is not an easy one. However, John and Dennis outline strategies to help you cope with the high cost of higher education as you face the prospect of saving for your own retirement.

Originally posted by the Cordasco Financial Network and republished with permission.

Photo by Philippe Bout on Unsplash

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