October 29, 2020
Video of the launch event of Dear Colleague: The Weaponization of Title IX. The event featured Teresa Manning, Cathy Young, and Joseph Roberts.
October 9, 2020
Washington bureaucrats only make half of America's science policy. Judges, juries, and lawyers make the other half, in billion-dollar lawsuits decided in courts around the nation. Nathan A. Schach......
October 2, 2020
Dr. Reilly joins us to discuss the campus climate today. What racism is, the 1776 Project, and much more.
September 25, 2020
Many students this year are required to take a new course: anti-racism. What do these courses teach? Who teaches them? And what is included and excluded in their teaching of "anti-racism......
September 17, 2020
Watch NAS President Peter W. Wood speak at the first ever White House Conference on American History.