Video: Sub-Standard Science

How the Next Generation Science Standards Fail America

National Association of Scholars

In the last decade, more than 20 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), a K-12 science curriculum. Most of the remaining states have adopted closely related standards. Unfortunately, the NGSS fail to prepare students for undergraduate science education and scientific careers. Millions of students now take science courses that don’t teach important aspects of life and physical sciences, including Newton’s law, thermodynamics, the pH scale, magnetism, sonar and radar, cell & tissue types, viruses and bacteria, DNA, RNA, and cell division.

Worse, the NGSS don’t even teach the Scientific Method!

Thankfully, we now have an opportunity to fight back and return proper science instruction to our schools.

The National Association of Scholars hosted this launch event for Climbing Down on April 8th at 2 pm ET. Climbing Down is our analysis of the Next Generation Science Standards and was written by Jennifer Helms, professor of nursing at Arkansas Tech University; Jim Nations, director of The Cassandra Project; and David Randall, Director of Research at the National Association of Scholars

This launch event discussed how this flawed curriculum forced its way into thousands of schools without a pilot program or vetting, what we can do to stop the NGSS from being adopted by more states, and what we can do to reverse course in states that have already adopted it.

This webinar featured Shepard Barbash, Author of Clear Teaching; Duke Pesta, Director, FreedomProject Academy; Ze'ev Wurman, an executive at a Silicon Valley semiconductor company and a former senior policy adviser in the U.S. Department of Education; and report authors Jim Nations and David Randall.

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