June 20, 2011

MTC: Lower Tuition for Illegals Safe for Now

Glynn Custred

Possibly because it is saving its fire for review of the Arizona immigration law, the Supreme Court has passed up a chance to rule on the legality of lower in-state college tuition for illegal immigra......

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May 6, 2011

Article: They Can Write

Will Fitzhugh

Despite most people's willingness to dismiss their intellectual capabilities, high school students can rise to high standards if we expect them to.

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May 19, 2011

MTC: Why College Still Matters

Peter Sacks

A growing chorus of critics says a college education is finished as the ticket to economic success and a middle-class life. The economy of the future, these critics suggest, actually requires far fe......

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May 2, 2011

MTC: Why Harvard and Yale Had to Merge

Jane Shaw

May 28, 2020, was a good day for the American economy and a momentous one for traditional colleges and universities.  President Jodie Foster, the sixth Yale graduate to reach the White House,......

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May 19, 2011

MTC: Why Study Western Civilization?

Mary Grabar

In predictable fashion, Inside Higher Ed has reported on "The Vanishing West," the National Association of Scholars' study on the virtual disappearance of Western Civ co......

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April 8, 2011

Article: Betrayed by Higher Ed...Again

David Clemens

My post “Betrayed by Higher Ed” has occasioned so many comments and emails that I want to offer a group response.

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March 21, 2011

Article: Nomenclatura

Will Fitzhugh

Educational special interest agents can be effective only if they focus on the actual academic work of our students, argues Will Fitzhugh.

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