Collegiate Press Roundup 6-9-10

Glenn Ricketts

We present our regular sampling of student journalists and editors, as they address various and sundry topics in their campus newspapers.  This week’s undergraduate journalists take a look at the threat of Tea Partiers, the antiquated rules of major league baseball, the economic benefits of pornography, and the president of Brown’s membership on the board of a major Wall Street firm.

  1. At Michigan State University, the editors of The State News analyze a recent study concluding that today’s college students are less empathetic than those of just a few years back.
  2. A senior writer for the UCLA Daily Bruin reflects on her collegiate journalistic experience in a final column before graduation.
  3. A columnist for the Vanderbilt Hustler stirs up controversy with her assessment of the “hookup culture” and the extent to which individual experiences should be discussed publicly.
  4. The editors of the Daily Pennsylvanian salute a pop singer’s protest on behalf of animal rights, and wish that more students were this active in support of their principles.
  5. A regular contributor to KU’s Daily Kansan thinks that pornography is good for the economy and thoroughly American.
  6. As he anticipates the upcoming gubernatorial race in Maryland, an op-ed writer for the Diamondback at U of M fears the ominous advance of the Tea Party.
  7. A features writer for the Rocky Mountain Collegian assails major league baseball for failing to embrace the benefits of modern technology.
  8. Following the resignation of Brown University president Ruth Simmons from the board of Goldman-Sachs, an editorialist in the Daily Herald ponders the fact that she was hobnobbing with Wall Street fat cats.
  9. At the University of Wisconsin/Madison, the outgoing opinion editor of The Daily Cardinal thinks the new Green Room is a real boon to the college community’s environmentalist efforts.
  10. Instead of goofing off all summer, students at the University of Western Washington should consider voluntarism or social activism, say the editors of The Western Front.
  11. A departing senior columnist for The Stanford Daily offers advice on curricular reform, student residence life, shared governance and administrative procedures.
  12. The editor of Technique explains to readers at the Georgia Institute of Technology that the BP oil spill is both an environmental catastrophe and an opportunity to enact much needed regulations of the petroleum industry.
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