
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

May 23, 2008

Campus Speech Codes: Absurd, Tenacious, and Everywhere

Greg Lukianoff

Greg Lukianoff, the President for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, drafted the following article for and presented it at a conference on

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May 21, 2008


Ashley Thorne

A blogger aims to subvert NASW and social work ideologues.

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May 21, 2008

The Sweet Lemon Effect: College Grads Doubt Value of College Degrees-Except Their Own

Ashley Thorne

The American Council on Education released a survey showing that, although most people think that colleges in general charge unfair prices, most people also believe that their own alma mater charged t......

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May 20, 2008

NAS Is Moving

Peter Wood

On May 30, we will move in to our new office space near the Princeton airport.

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