
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 3, 2009

Academic Freedom Is a Public Trust

Steve Balch

Steve Balch calls for public vigilence against abuses of academic freedom. Here are his remarks on accepting the Jeane Jordon Kirkpatrick Academic Freedom Award from the American Conservative Union Fo......

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March 3, 2009

Education and Intelligence--Part 2

Tom Wood

In the second of this four-part series, Tom Wood compares two key exams, NAEP and CLA. Both show that education improves intelligence.

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March 2, 2009

Education and Intelligence-A Response to Charles Murray

Tom Wood

Formal education actually improves intelligence, and we have the data to prove it. Should anyone be surprised?

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February 26, 2009

Never Mind Tocqueville, Let's List Slurs

Bill Rivers

A participant in the University of Delaware's now infamous indoctrination program recollects some not-so-fond memories.

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