August 4, 2008
NAS president Steve Balch and executive director Peter Wood tell about the American History for Freedom Program, a tiny gem in the massive newly-passed Higher Education Act.
August 1, 2008
The NAS lauded the passage of legislation, part of the Higher Education Act, which will further the study of American history.
July 31, 2008
Yesterday's IHE article, which framed the Argus project as a Big Brother operation, set the dervishes of the Left in motion. NAS executive director Peter Wood takes time to separate spin from fact......
July 30, 2008
NAS member Tom Martin ponders, "What does it mean to be 'committed to a diverse university community'?"
July 29, 2008
The NAS has announced the opening of its
July 28, 2008
If students need a grown-up university, why are colleges feeding them baby food?
July 28, 2008
NAS president Steve Balch finds that a new study supposedly challenging prevalent assumptions about political correctness isn't all it's hyped up to be.
July 27, 2008
Liberal arts accreditor AALE recently survived a narrow scrape with organizational demise. NAS president Steve Balch draws some conclusions from AALE's trip to the brink and back.
July 26, 2008
Introducing the other NAS: a disgruntled membership association of fist-shakers working to thwart new ideas and to sustain the tradition of grim solemnity and cranky curmudgeonhood in America
November 20, 2024
With McMahon, the new administration has a chance to drastically slim down and depoliticize the Education Department....
January 8, 2025
The National Association of Scholars condemns the “Resolution to Oppose Scholasticide in Gaza,” which the members of the American Historical Association passed by 428 t......
January 27, 2025
New FOIA documents grant a window into how the University of Colorado-Boulder, in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, discriminates on the basis of protected class and upholds a co......
May 15, 2015
A look at the double standard that has arisen regarding racism, illustrated recently by the reaction to a black professor's biased comments on Twitter....
January 27, 2025
New FOIA documents grant a window into how the University of Colorado-Boulder, in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, discriminates on the basis of protected class and upholds a co......
October 12, 2010
What does it mean to be Latino? Are only Latin American people Latino, or does the term apply to anyone whose language derived from Latin?...