April 7, 2008

Evidence Defeats Opponents of Michigan Racial Preferences Ban

NAS publishes an article unfolding how evidence of racial preferences' detriments stopped opponents of Michigan Civil Rights Initiative.

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April 7, 2008

By No Means: Michigan Judge Turns Tables on Advocacy Groups Determined to Derail Civil Rights Initia

Terry Pell

Terry Pell gives the first public analysis of the recent court decision ending (for now) the legal challenges to the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative.

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April 7, 2008

Quack Quack!

Peter Wood

An NAS member aims to defend the integrity of science, which is being undermined by a focus on "Integrative Medicine."

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April 1, 2008

Know It Alls

Ashley Thorne

An invitation to an NAS online symposium on "Wikipedia and Higher Education"

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April 1, 2008

Working Out a Deal

Could Harvard be accommodating Muslim women's request for women-only gym time as an obligation to Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed?

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March 28, 2008

Fortunes from Foreigners

We encourage you to send us information you deem relevant, concerning full disclosure of large foreign gifts. We invite you to be attentive to this matter at both your current universities of contac......

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March 27, 2008

9. The Marriage of Affirmative Action and Transformative Education

Tom Wood

This investigative report marks a turning point for How Many Delawares? Now that we better understand the beast we are tracking, we hope to provide an even better account in future installments of o......

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March 27, 2008

Is NAS Conservative?

Peter Wood

People for the American Way asserts that NAS is a "right-wing" organization. We take issue with this characterization and explain why. Join us outside the charmed circle.

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March 24, 2008

Vietnam: Historians at War

Mark Moyar

Has reasoned study of the Vietnam War been trampled by radical adherence to the politically correct? 

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NAS Welcomes Administrator McMahon's Nomination to Serve as Education Secretary

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NAS Condemns the AHA's “Scholasticide” Resolution

The National Association of Scholars condemns the “Resolution to Oppose Scholasticide in Gaza,” which the members of the American Historical Association passed by 428 t......

January 27, 2025


Exclusive Documents: UC-Boulder Breaks Civil Rights Law to Advance Racial Preferences

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